Rewrite your career with a scholarship
Coders Azerbaijan provides various scholarship opportunities aimed at individuals seeking to build a career in digital technologies and programming.
Scholarship programs

Scholarship programs
Nakhchivan Full-Stack
It is provided to support career development of individuals living in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic and interested in the IT field.
Support for the families of martyrs and veterans
It is intended for family members of the participants of the Patriotic War, martyrs, or veterans.
Coders Caravan
Empowering women in regional areas with our Full-Stack program, which includes a generous 7-month stipend.
"Tech for Everyone" Project
This program is designed for 9th-10th-11th grade students living in remote villages.
In addition to providing a full scholarship, CyberPlus ensures that you can continue your career as a cybersecurity professional.
Winter Cyber Security Camp
Designed for students of the Academy of the State Customs Committee of Azerbaijan studying cybersecurity.
Official partners

Submit an application
After thoroughly reviewing the scholarship program requirements, complete the application form. Be mindful of the deadline and ensure your application is submitted on time.
Preliminary Interview
If you have been invited to an interview, congratulations! At this stage, prepare to answer questions about the scholarship program and yourself. Try to be sincere and true to yourself.
Technical Interview
Be ready to showcase your technical knowledge. Also, do not hesitate to demonstrate your problem-solving and analytical thinking skills.
Individuals who receive a positive response can benefit from scholarship opportunities. If you receive a negative response, don't be discouraged. Instead, explore other options and continue to improve.
Dərslər hansı dildə keçiriləcək?
VDərslər yerli mütəxəsislər tərəfindən Azərbaycan dilində keçiriləcək.
İşlə təminat olacaq?
Tədrisi uğurla sonlandıran tələbələr mövcud vakansiyalar üzrə işlərə yönləndirməkdə dəstək olunacaqdır.
Proqrama başlamaq üçün texniki tələblər nələrdir?
Proqram karyera dəstəyi yönümlü quruduğundan minimum 1 il IT sahəsində təhsil vəya təcrübə və minimum B2 səviyyəsində ingilis dili tələb olunur.
Proqram ödənişsizdir?
Hər bir proqram üçün formalaşdırılan bootcamp 100 faiz təqaüdlü olmaqla ödənişsiz şəkildə keçirilir.