Let's get to coding your story together.

Since 2017, we have been working to unlock the potential of talented individuals in the field of information technology. Our mission is to create opportunities for everyone to become highly qualified and in-demand professionals.  

We believe that education and technology shape the future together. This belief forms the core of our educational approach. By integrating innovative technologies into the learning process, we prepare our students for the challenges of the future. Along this journey, we help each student discover their full potential and open doors to new beginnings. 

Let's get to coding your story together.
Seymur Hamidov

Seymur Hamidov

Co-Founder & Board Member

As coders, we play a role in selecting talented individuals in technology, creating opportunities for them to realize their potential. Therefore, we train to be engineers who keep pace with the new era.

We train highly qualified personnel with innovative bootcamp models

You can elevate your career with the Coders Bootcamp training model.

Hands-on boot camps
This teaching model is fast and effective.
Personnel training tailored for the corporate setting
The boot camp education model readies you for a real-world work environment.
Experience-based startup programs
It brings you closer to a successful career in IT.
Join our team and step towards success

Join our team and step towards success

Take the first step towards professional growth by joining our team! With us, you will acquire knowledge and experience, explore new opportunities, and establish strong foundations for your future.

Our trainers

We always ensure that our trainers have a minimum of 3 years of work experience and possess a "strong intermediate" level. They also continue their practical activities alongside Coders. Trainers join our team after successfully passing both technical and pedagogical evaluations following their initial application.


Our main goal is to provide the right approach for students. We believe that technical knowledge alone is insufficient, especially for beginners. Choosing a teacher with a pedagogical approach and good communication is essential.

Our trainers

They show the way

linkedinFuad Suleymanli
Fuad Suleymanli
Front-End instructor
linkedinAmil Abdullazade
Amil Abdullazade
Front-End instructor
linkedinRizvan Mansurov
Rizvan Mansurov
Cybersecurity instructor
linkedinSamir Mammad
Samir Mammad
Data Science instructor
linkedinHuseyn Tahirov
Huseyn Tahirov
Mobile Development instructor
linkedinElshan Bagirov
Elshan Bagirov
Cybersecurity instructor
linkedinAsif Rzayev
Asif Rzayev
Cybersecurity instructor
linkedinGalib Ahmadov
Galib Ahmadov
IT Business Analyst instructor
linkedinFuad Huseynov
Fuad Huseynov
Cybersecurity instructor
linkedinOrkhan Alibayli
Orkhan Alibayli
Cybersecurity instructor
linkedinGismat Huseynov
Gismat Huseynov
Back-End instructor
linkedinHarmat Hamidov
Harmat Hamidov
Fullstack instructor
Emil Ahmad
Emil Ahmad
IT Business Analyst instructor
linkedinJavanshir Manafov
Javanshir Manafov
Cybersecurity instructor
linkedinGulnar Salehova
Gulnar Salehova
Back-End instructor
linkedinTeyyub Aliyev
Teyyub Aliyev
Back-End instructor
linkedinShahmar Guluzadeh
Shahmar Guluzadeh
Fullstack instructor
linkedinFarman Allahverdiyev
Farman Allahverdiyev
Front-end instructor
linkedinAbbas Aliyev
Abbas Aliyev
Back-End instructor
linkedinAli Gasimzadeh
Ali Gasimzadeh
Front-End instructor


Tech for Everyone

Tech for Everyone

This program is designed for 9th-10th-11th grade students living in remote villages of Azerbaijan.

Coders Caravan

Coders Caravan

The project offers 7 months of full-stack scholarships to women living in the regions.